Monday, August 27, 2012

Drew Magary, I salute you

A perfect example of how Steelers fans think they are above everything else related to the NFL happened just recently.  Drew Magary of Deadspin had a running feature where he would blast the shit out of every NFL team and their fanbases.    Each one had been funny and each fanbase took their lumps and moved on.  Everything was going smooth.

But then, holy shit.  It was the Steelers' turn to face Magary's wrath.  Members of "Yinzer Nation" (and I'll talk about that whole stupid thing in a later post) read Magary's "Why Your Team Sucks 2012: Pittsburgh Steelers" and they LOST THEIR SHIT.  None of these assholes realized that Magary was doing this for every fucking team in the league.  Steelers fans undoubtedly enjoyed Magary's trashing of the Ravens and Browns, but they couldn't face the music when it was the Steelers' turn.

How bad did this get?  It drew so much angst from the Steelers community that Pittsburgh radio host Mark Madden (who's the only tolerable sports personality in Pittsburgh) decided to bring Magary onto his radio show to discuss it.  But it wasn't to confront him about it; it was to applaud him.

Madden loved the piece and agreed with every point made in it.  Here's Madden's blog post about the Magary article.  As a professional sports journalist, it's Madden's job to report on sports, showcase a liiiiitttle bit of hometown bias, but ultimately remove himself from the sporting world and opine on what he sees.  He has probably wanted to say what Magary said for a long time.

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