Sunday, August 26, 2012

Newsflash: Steelers aren't winning the Super Bowl this year

You know what separates Steelers fans from every other fanbase?  They have no perception of reality.  They go into every season blindly following their team, expecting a Super Bowl win.  It is really embarrassing.

I really can't understand what drives people from Pittsburgh to get all excited and rambunctious about the Steelers EVERY FUCKING YEAR.  Get over yourselves.  Go out and experience life.  There's nothing wrong with being entertained with sporting events, but you can't let it encompass your entire fucking existence.

The Steelers played a preseason game Saturday night.  AGAINST THE BILLS.  This city acted like it was the Super Bowl.  That kind of statement has grown to be cliched over the years, but there's really no other way to describe it.  I went to a local bar for the game to meet up with some friends, and we just sat back and laughed at these fucking morons waving their stupid towels every time the Steelers got a first down...IN A PRESEASON GAME.

Steelers fans, get a grip.  Actually, get a grip on an NFL season preview magazine or some shit in one of your Giant Eagles.  The Steelers won't be making any noise this season.  They will probably make the playoffs somehow and lose to Tim Tebow again.  And that was hilarious.

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